JULY 16, 2020
DIRECTORS/OFFICERS PRESENT: Dennis Kurtz, President; Janet McVickar, Vice President; Karen Keeney, Secretary; Gail Buono, Treasurer; Jill Cliburn; Laird Graeser; Gail Karr; Elizabeth West.
ALSO PRESENT: Courtney Price
1-2: The meeting began with introductions, announcements and a review of teleconference etiquette, clarifying some ground rules to enhance communication.
3. Acceptance of Agenda: It was moved by Janet McVickar, seconded by Gail Karr, and passed unanimously that the Agenda be approved as presented with the addition of item 7.b. regarding a Silver Hills Homeowners Association matter.
4. Acceptance of Minutes
4.a. It was moved by Laird Graeser, seconded by Janet McVickar, and passed unanimously that the Minutes of the May 21, 2020, Board meeting be approved as submitted.
4.b. It was moved by Laird Graeser, seconded by Janet McVickar, and passed unanimously that the Meeting Notes of the June 18, 2020, unofficial (due to lack of quorum) Board meeting be approved as submitted.
5. Treasurer’s Report
5.a. Treasurer Gail Buono submitted the Treasurer’s Report:
Opening Balance on 5/21/20 $7,148.77
Less check 1053 to Gail Buono, Dreamhost (81.12)
Plus check to TTVFD that will not be cashed 5.00
Closing Balance on 7/16/20 $7,074.65
6. Old Business
6.a. Courtney Price submitted a report on the progress of website development. The soft launch is proceeding well. The email list sign up section is still working well. The email account “Contact Us” address is: . There is an option to have other email addresses as well such as for individual Board members or topics at no extra cost. We will defer using this option for now. Dennis Kurtz will send information to the other officers on how to access the “info” email account so we have some back up.
Dream Host is the website host; MailChimp is the mailing list software – it uses the info@ address. Material is archived on Google Drive until Courtney has time to move it to the website. She will provide information on how to access the archives.
Courtney plans to do a website training meeting, and will email Board members invitations to that. She is also periodically monitoring the SMA Facebook page.
Next steps for website: Adding more local Community Resources. Please email Courtney any useful community tools you know of.
Dennis Kurtz gets items all the time that could go on the website. He will continue to run things by the Board before posting them.
6.b. MailChimp will be used to send future Dispatches.
Jill Cliburn proposed a Dispatch encouraging people to vote in the upcoming November election, and providing information on voting procedures and timelines. This would go out in the next two months. She will keep the Board posted on progress. As always, prompt replies from Board members are appreciated so the necessary quorum can be achieved and the Dispatch can be distributed to the public in a timely way.
Laird Graeser brought up the topic of reverse 911 calls to neighborhood numbers regarding emergencies. It is not happening now, and is very complex. He and Gail Karr will investigate further and report back at a future meeting.
6.c. Per Janet McVickar, the Cerrillos Cell Tower is still in a holding pattern.
6.d. The Santa Fe County Commission is discussing moving the funding that has been dedicated to Mt. Chalchihuitl to the Thornton Ranch project. There is significant concern about what this could mean to the progress of the Mt. Chal project. SMA has supported keeping the funding for Mt. Chal. We will keep track of this and keep it on the Agenda for future meetings.
6.e.i. Laird Graeser reported that our proposed Candidate Forum might not be feasible due to the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. If we do move forward, possible spaces could be TTVFD or the open space next to Cerrillos Hills State Park HQ in Cerrillos. No action was taken.
6.e.ii. Other SMA support for voter registration could include our flyer, SMA website and other online posts, and reminders on TTVFD bulletin board on Hwy 14. In person registration drives might also not be feasible at this time.
6.f. Change of Banking Institution – No action was taken.
7. New Business
7.a. Janet McVickar spoke with Susan MacDonell who is not interested in being on the SMA Board at this time. No further contact was reported with Jarrett West.
It was moved by Karen Keeney, seconded by Elizabeth West, and passed unanimously that the Board accept the de facto resignations from the SMA Board of Directors of Susan MacDonell and Jarrett West pursuant to Article V, Section 7, of the SMA Bylaws, effective today, July 16, 2020.
7.b. Laird Graeser offered an informational item from the Silver Hills Homeowners Association: Mr. Zeitz owns property at Bonanza Creek Road and Rancho Allegre Road that contains informal hiking trails that have been used for years. He has recently posted a No Trespassing sign there, and wants to fence his entire property and block access to the trails. Laird will keep the Board informed, and we can consider whether it becomes appropriate for SMA to get involved in this dispute.
8. Next Public Board Meeting:
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Tentative location: Remote meeting via teleconference
Respectfully submitted: Karen Keeney, Secretary