About The San Marcos Association (SMA)

Our Mission is to serve as a trusted resource by listening to community concerns, sharing information, and influencing policy and decisions affecting all of us.

Our Vision  is to preserve the rural character of the San Marcos region, to inspire effective civic engagement,  and to advocate for and amplify the voice of our community.

Area of Advocacy Map



The SMA provides a community service through advocacy and by maintaining resources that offer an accessible way for our area residents to stay informed. Donations will help us cover our costs in maintaining and expanding these resources.


The San Marcos Association

Our Primary Purpose is Advocacy

The San Marcos Association*(SMA) is a Registered Organization (501(c)(4)) representing the residents and property owners in the area shown by the green outline on the map at left. As you can see, our Association covers more than just San Marcos.

*Not to be confused with the smaller San Marcos Planning District outlined by the purple dashed area.

What does this mean?

It means that we can advocate on behalf of anyone in our community, on any issue that affects our area. This might include environmental concerns,  safety and welfare, infrastructure concerns, etc.


The SMA was formed in the early 1980s by General Goodwin and others in order to:

  • Protect the rural, residential character of the area.
  • Monitor development to see that it is consistent with that character.
  • Represent the area’s property owners/residents in matters of public service, utilities and the general welfare of people.

The SMA has been influential in:

  • Advocating for greater community input into Santa Fe County decisions.
  • Preservation of Mt. Chalchihuitl.
  • Preventing the Hwy 14/599 truck stop.
  • Opposing La Bajada strip mining.
  • Protecting our drinking water from high volume commercial exploitation.
  • Mitigating surface and sub-surface pollution from past gold mining operations in the Ortiz Mountains.

On April 1, 2016, the SMA was recognized by the Santa Fe County Growth Management Department as a “Registered Organization.” What that means is set out in Chapter 2 of the Sustainable Land Development Code.

In summary, The SMA has the right to:

  • Be notified of and make recommendations for pending discretionary development applications in our geographic area (see map) and get notice of public hearings or meetings about such applications.
  • Be notified of and make recommendations for Development of Countywide Impact applications.
  • Be notified of and make recommendations for amendments to the SGMP, SLDC, or Area, District or Community Plans in our area.
  • Coordinate with Community Organizations (which are also defined in Chapter 2), residents, and owners of property or business in our area when discretionary development reviews or administrative adjudicatory applications come up.
  • Meet with the Land Use Administrator on matters of interest in our area.
  • Participate in Town Hall meetings.
  • Take part in Registered Organization leadership retreats and training programs.

Our online presence consists of this website and a Facebook page. The website’s contents will change slowly; they’ll consist of permanent, or at least persistent, items like archives, maps, proposals, position statements, links to other useful sites, articles, photos, and other features of continuing interest.

Current SMA Officers:

President: Dennis Kurtz
Vice President: Janet McVickar
Treasurer: Gail Buono
Secretary: Laird Graeser

Board Members:

Jill Cliburn
Elizabeth West
C. Price
Doug Speer
Theresa Mendoza
Maggie Macaulay
Marianna Hatten

Remember, our primary function is advocacy.
If you have any questions about legislation or development or exploitation that affects the area, or would like to alert us to something that you think is pertinent, please let us know.