Santa Fe County Property Nuisance Abatement Ordinance

Many of you have no doubt heard about criminal activities at 30 Arroyo Coyote – dead bodies, SWAT teams being called in to deal with squatters, unsafe and unhealthy conditions, repeated visits by law enforcement, property code violations, etc.  This property, one where criminal activities affecting the safety and health of the neighbors are ongoing, is not unique in Santa Fe County.  However, the County is constrained from doing anything about conditions at these places because currently it is the property owner’s responsibility to clean up the area, to evict squatters, and/or to register complaints with County officials.  At 30 Arroyo Coyote, and other locations, the property owner has not been willing to do so.  SMA and others have been advocating for the County to create and implement the necessary regulations to aggressively clean up such properties for some time, and the proposed Nuisance Abatement Ordinance is the County’s attempt to do so.  You can view the text of the proposed ordinance and read communications from SMA to County Commissioners below.



REVISED Property Nuisance Abatement Ordinance: (June 26th, 2023): Exhibit A – Proposed Ordinance Nuisance Abatement

DRAFT Property Nuisance Abatement Ordinance (May 30, 2023)


– SMA Statement to BCC 06-27-23 re Clean and Lien Ordinance (Read into the Record at the Public Hearing before the BCC on June 27)

– SMA letter with Nuisance Abatement Ordinance suggestions – Hughes District 5

– SMA Letter to BCC re: Nuisance Abatement Ordinance 04-26-23 – Bustamante District 3 (sent to all 5 County Commissioners)


News Articles Regarding this Ordinance:

Santa Fe New Mexican 6.28.23:


Next Hearing TBA


Tuesday, June 27, 2023 via Webex

A Public Hearing before the Santa Fe County Board of Commissioners (BCC) concerning the proposed Nuisance Abatement Ordinance will take place no earlier than 5 PM at the regularly scheduled BCC meeting on Tuesday, June 27, 2023.

This Hearing is the Public’s opportunity to provide input to the Commissioners regarding the scope, intention and foreseeable impacts of such an Ordinance.  Though we may have different ideas for wording and content of this proposed ordinance, The San Marcos Association feels that some sort of ordinance is needed to help our neighbors and the County address properties where repeated criminal activities create unsafe and unhealthy conditions for nearby residents.    You may view the agenda item below.

BCC Agenda Item 12 – June 27, 2023
Public Hearing on Nuisance Abatement Ordinance

Link to Join Hearing