DIRECTORS/OFFICERS PRESENT: Dennis Kurtz, President; Karen Keeney, Secretary; Jill Cliburn; Laird Graeser; Gail Karr; Elizabeth West

DIRECTORS/OFFICERS ABSENT: Gail Buono, Treasurer; Janet McVickar, Vice President


1-2: The meeting was called to discuss possible SMA actions related to voter education and assistance regarding the upcoming November 3, 2020, election.

3. There was general discussion about how SMA could effectively educate and encourage people in our area about voting in the November 3 election. It was agreed to add the topic of encouraging people to complete the 2020 Census forms.

4. There was detailed discussion, led by Jill Cliburn with assistance from Laird Graeser, of producing an educational flyer, and coordinating with other non- partisan groups such as League of Women Voters. Jill and Laird will do further research, draft a flyer, and send it to the Board for review.

5.a. Possible time frame for mailing flyer: asap. Jill and Laird will try to get a draft to the Board by Sept. 14.

5.b. There may also be possible follow up information sent out in early/mid October, via the SMA website and email Dispatch. Laird Graeser stated that Steve Taylor at TTVFD said the area outside the Station house on Hwy 14 could be available for a voter registration station if desired. The station wifi could be accessible from the outside area for that purpose. There could also be a notice posted on the TTVFD bulletin board along Hwy 14.

6. Following detailed discussion of possible costs for this project, it was moved by Laird Graeser and seconded by Jill Cliburn that the Board approve a Not-To- Exceed allocation of $650 for this voting drive project, and the informational flyer in particular. Following further discussion during which Board members expressed desire to provide an adequate amount of funding for the project, Gail Karr offered a friendly amendment to change the amount to Not-To-Exceed $1,000. The amendment was accepted by Laird Graeser and Jill Cliburn, and the motion as so amended passed unanimously.

7. Next Public Board Meeting:
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Tentative location: Remote meeting via teleconference

Respectfully submitted: Karen Keeney, Secretary