SEPTEMBER 17, 2020


DIRECTORS/OFFICERS PRESENT: Dennis Kurtz, President;  Janet McVickar, Vice President; Karen Keeney, Secretary; Jill Cliburn;  Laird Graeser; Gail Karr;  Elizabeth West.




1-2:  The meeting began with introductions, announcements and a review of teleconference etiquette.

  1. Acceptance of Agenda: It was moved by Janet McVickar, seconded by Elizabeth West, and passed unanimously that the Agenda be approved as presented with the addition of item 7.c. regarding the newly appointed Santa Fe County Commissioner, Hank Hughes.
  2. Acceptance of Minutes

4.a.  It was moved by Elizabeth West, seconded by Laird Graeser, and passed unanimously that the Minutes of the July 16, 2020, Board meeting be approved as submitted.

4.b.  It was moved by Janet McVickar, seconded by Gail Karr, and passed unanimously that the Minutes of the August 10, 2020, Special Board Meeting be approved as submitted.

  1. Treasurer’s Report

5.a.  Treasurer Gail Buono submitted a written Treasurer’s Report:

            Opening Balance on 7/16/20                                         $7,072.65

Plus donation from Santa Fe South Coop. Assn.             250.00

Less check 1054 to Gail Buono, PO Box annual rent                   (64.00)

Less check to TTVFD that was finally cashed                        (5.00)

            Closing Balance on 9/17/20                                            $7,253.65

Dennis Kurtz sent a thank you note to Santa Fe South Cooperative Association.

  1. Old Business

6.a.i. Re the voting drive, Jill Cliburn reported on the flyer development and printing.  The committee has drafted the content and sent it to the Board for review.  She has quotes from Paper Tiger for black/white print on the correct weight paper for Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM).  Paper Tiger will also do the folding, placing three stickers in the proper places, and delivering them to the Post Office – or we can do those things ourselves.  After a generous offer of volunteer help from Laird Graeser, the Board thanked him and decided to have Paper Tiger do everything given the short time frame for wanting to get them in the mail by Sept. 22.  The Board also expressed preference to use light blue paper if available at no extra cost.  The order will be for somewhat more than the approximately 1,800 mailboxes in our area.

Laird Graeser is working with the Post Office to register with the Post Office EDDM site and make the necessary deposit of funds.

Many thanks to Jill and Laird!  They will proceed, and keep the Board informed if there is need to authorize funds in excess of the $1,000.00 already approved.  Jill noted that a modest increase might be needed.

NOTE:  By email vote, as of September 21, 2020, the Board authorized an increase in the approved amount for the voting drive to Not-To-Exceed $1,120.00 from $1,000.00.  This Motion was made by Jill Cliburn, seconded by Laird Graeser, and passed with the necessary 2/3 majority for an email vote, with no one voting NO.

6.a.ii.  Per Laird Graeser, the TTVFD bulletin board probably will not be available for voting messages, but he will see about putting one up for one week encouraging people to register for the census.

6.a.iii.   We will not offer face-to-face assistance with voter registration due to pandemic concerns.

6.b.  Regarding the Cerrillos Cell Tower, a public meeting about the current (third) proposed location was scheduled for 9/15/20.  It has been postponed to an unknown date.  We will monitor the situation and advise the Board and community of the new meeting date.  Try to attend if possible. 

Dennis Kurtz, Karen Keeney and Elizabeth West had an unofficial lunch meeting with Ross Lockridge from local Cerrillos organizations, Cerrillos Hills Park Coalition and Las Candelas de Los Cerrillos.  Ross expressed thanks for SMA’s support on this issue and also the Mt. Chal project.  We will continue to strengthen these relationships, and provide support and assistance where appropriate.

6.c.  Funding from the Santa Fe County Commission for the Mt. Chalchihuitl project is still up in the air, with an important Commission meeting coming soon.  There is significant concern about what this could mean to the progress of the Mt. Chal project.  SMA continues to support keeping the funding for Mt. Chal.  We will continue to keep track of this, provide input to the Commissioners when timely, and keep this on the Agenda for future meetings.

6.d.  Courtney Price is not able to attend the meeting.  She is going to change the SMA email address from “info” to the organization’s name so emails will be readily identifiable to recipients and others.  The website continues to develop and evolve, and is working well.  Thanks again, Courtney!

6.e.  Per Laird Graeser, the Silver Hills Homeowners’ Assn. Board is trying to negotiate with Mr. Zeitz, the property owner, about maintaining public access to the hiking trails in question.  There is no reason for SMA to get involved at this time.

6.f.  Change of Banking Institutions – No action was taken.

  1. New Business

7.a.  Dennis Kurtz has taken possession of the SMA archival materials and a variety of equipment from former Board President, Walter Wait.  It includes about 13 plastic bins full of paper records, two high speed scanners, and an old Windows 7 computer system with accessories.  The Board discussed what to do with the items, as Dennis cannot store them indefinitely.  The Windows 7 items probably are obsolete, will not work, and have no resale value, making them likely candidates for recycling.  The scanners might have some useful life remaining.  The papers will need to be sorted and evaluated.  Appropriate items can be archived on the SMA website.  Some tax records should be kept indefinitely.  Some items can be scanned and archived electronically, and some can probably be disposed of now or in the future.  Dennis Kurtz suggested finding a small storage place with electric power where we can set up a little workshop to work on this project.  Dennis and Laird Graeser will connect soon to develop a more detailed plan.  Gail Karr suggested that SMA might put on a recycle/shred day for the neighborhood.

7.b.  The organization needs a clear official policy about sharing the SMA email list.  It was moved by Dennis Kurtz, seconded by Gail Karr, and passed unanimously that the Board adopt the following policy:  The San Marcos Association does not share its email list.

This policy will be included on the SMA website Home Page and on all SMA communications.  It will be the official answer to any request for the email list, with no exceptions.

7.c.  Janet McVickar announced that a new Santa Fe County Commissioner has been appointed to replace Ed Moreno, who resigned.  Hank Hughes now represents that District, and he and Rudy Garcia are now the Commissioners who represent the San Marcos area of the County.  Janet emailed his introductory material to Board members, including an invitation to an introductory Zoom meeting coming soon.  Board members are encouraged to attend if possible.

  1. Next Public Board Meeting:

            Thursday, October 15, 2020

            Tentative location:  Remote meeting via teleconference

Respectfully submitted:  Karen Keeney, Secretary