OCTOBER 15, 2020
DIRECTORS/OFFICERS PRESENT: Dennis Kurtz, President; Karen Keeney, Secretary; Gail Buono, Treasurer; Jill Cliburn; Elizabeth West.
DIRECTORS/OFFICERS EXCUSED: Janet McVickar, Vice President; Laird Graeser; Gail Karr
ALSO PRESENT: Courtney Price
1-2: The meeting began with introductions, announcements and a review of teleconference etiquette.
3. It was moved by Elizabeth West, seconded by Gail Buono, and passed unanimously that the Agenda be approved as presented with a correction in item 6.e. changing “Rancho Allegre” to “Silver Hills”.
4.a. It was moved by Gail Buono, seconded by Elizabeth West, and passed unanimously that the Minutes of the September 17, 2020, Board meeting be approved as submitted.
5.a. Treasurer Gail Buono submitted a written Treasurer’s Report:
Opening Balance on 9/17/20 $7,253.65
Less check 1055 to Laird Graeser, (reimb. Voter ($1,097.77)
flyer printing and mailing)
Closing Balance on 10/15/20 $6,155.88
Dennis Kurtz has all the receipts for the flyer expenses.
6.a. Re the proposed Cerrillos cell tower, there was an attempted public meeting on October 7, 2020, hosted by Diamond Communications. At least 45 people tried to attend, but there were numerous issues with the web platform and many people were not able to provide any input. Dennis Kurtz sent a protest to Santa Fe County regarding the inadequacy of the process.
Since that meeting, TriLeaf has asked for input on locations from which to do skyline views of the proposed tower. Dennis Kurtz and Ross Lockridge are working on collecting data points for this. Dennis continues to connect with other interested parties such as Turquoise Trail Scenic Byway Assn. Some Cerrillos groups are considering hiring an attorney.
It was moved by Jill Cliburn, seconded by Elizabeth West and passed unanimously that President Kurtz and perhaps others will compile a report for the next Board meeting in November including a brief description of the official process for locating a new cell phone tower in Santa Fe County, and highlighting the major points in the process where SMA or community members can intervene.
6.b. Re the voting drive, Jill Cliburn reported that the flyers went out to approximately 1,100 addresses. They were very professional and informative – many thanks again to Jill and Laird Graeser!! For future mailings, they will check to ensure our mailings get delivered to all the Cerrillos post office boxes in 87010.
6.c. Unfortunately, the Santa Fe County Commission voted to eliminate funding for the Mt. Chalchihuitl project, and removed the project from the County agenda. Commissioner Rudy Garcia was the only NO vote and Dennis Kurtz sent him a “thank you”, as did some individual Board members. There are a number of plans in the works to revive this important project. SMA will monitor these and participate where appropriate.
6.d. Courtney Price reported that the website continues to develop and evolve, and is a functional tool for people to interact with and learn about SMA and important community issues. She is creating separate pages for the Cerrillos cell tower and Mt. Chal issues. The Facebook page needs a regular monitor. Great job, Courtney!
Other communication topics discussed included continued networking with other community groups for better coordination, and possible other groups to work with regarding the pandemic.
6.e. No new information was available about the Silver Hills Homeowners’ Assn. and the potential trail closure in that area.
6.f. No action was taken.
7.a. Dennis Kurtz and Laird Graeser are still working on dealing with the SMA archival materials and old equipment. The items are still at Dennis’ home.
7.b. Most discussion about SMA and a possible GRT exemption was deferred until a later date. Gail Buono commented that SMA does not do enough business to make going through the process of obtaining a GRT exemption worthwhile.
7.c. & d. The topics of an E waste recycle or drop off day and a shred paper day were deferred to a later date. These are long term concepts to be revisited after the pandemic subsides.
NOTE: The November Board meeting Agenda will include planning for the 2021 Annual Meeting, scheduled for February 18, 2021, and how best to accomplish that meeting during the pandemic.
8. Next Public Board Meeting:
Thursday, January 21, 2021. There is no December Board meeting.
Tentative location: Remote meeting via teleconference
Respectfully submitted: Karen Keeney, Secretary