Please plan to join us for a Vonage Virtual Meeting on October 7th at 6:00 pm MDT to discuss the Cerrillos Cell Tower with Diamond Communications


please click below to view/download the project documents
(this is a large file, please be patient for download)

Cerrillos Cell Tower – Survey, Plans Cell Coverage 09-21-20

1. To join the meeting, please type the following address in your computer’s browser:
Meeting ID: 6153 83 5056
You can use your computer’s microphone and speakers; however, a headset is recommended.

2. To join the meeting using your phone:
United States: +1-267-866-0999 Meeting PIN: 6153 83 5056


September 21, 2020
Dear Property Owners, Community Organizations, and Registered Organizations
I want to introduce myself and our company, Diamond Communications, which is a national developer of telecommunications towers and facilities.

We met with the Santa Fe County Technical Advisory Committee to discuss a variance for an 80 foot Stealth Monopine Telecommunication Tower to be constructed at 17 Vicksville Road, Los Cerrillos, New Mexico.

Because AT&T is experiencing a significant gap in its voice and data wireless service for the portion of Santa Fe County which includes your neighborhood, AT&T contacted Diamond to submit the required documents to the County and to build the Stealth Monopine Tower upon the County’s approval.

Additionally, the Stealth Monopine Tower will be a key part of the FirstNet public communications platform. The FirstNet mission is to deploy, operate, maintain, and improve the first high-speed, nationwide wireless broadband network dedicated to gublic safety.
This is why Diamond and AT&T are excited to bring to Santa Fe County the opportunity to provide your neighborhood and this portion of your County enhanced wireless signal strength.

Please plan to join us for a Vonage Virtual Meeting on October 7th at 6:00 pm MDT to discuss this exciting opportunity and the enclosed Survey and Stealth Monopine Tower Site Plans:

1. To join the meeting, please type the following address in your computer’s browser:
Meeting ID: 6153 83 5056
You can use your computer’s microphone and speakers; however, a headset is recommended.

2. To join the meeting using your phone:
United States: +1-267-866-0999 Meeting PIN: 6153 83 5056

If you are unable to join our October 7th Vonage Virtual Meeting, we encourage you to provide us your comments and input. An addressed and stamped envelope is included for your convenience.

I look forward to talking with you during our October 7th Vonage Virtual Meeting.


Thomas Waniewski
Sr. Vice President

Diamond Communications