San Marcos Association Minutes: April 17, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 6:10
Attending were: Gail Karr, Jarrett West, Margaret Marti, Peter Smith, Walter Wait, Steve Krenz, Dennis Kurtz, Karn Piana, Gail Buono, Les Hancock and Isolde Wait.

The agenda was approved with modifications. Minutes of the 3/21 meeting were discussed and approved. The problem of the lack of an official secretary was discussed without resolution.The treasurer reported a balance of $7,211.42 in the checking account at First National Bank.

Discussion ensued concerning the number and list of actual directors of the organization as apposed to member. It was moved and passed that we need to review the membership list in light of the San Marcos Association Bylaws to confirm who is an actual director on the board.

Under Old Business, the San Marcos Zoning Review status was discussed. Most of the discussion centered on the proposed setback requirements for each zone. The group suggested that we present a concept of tying set back to lot size instead of either the County standard –25 foot setback –or setbacks associated with the various zones.

Under New Business Steve reported on the meeting with Diamond Communication working for AT&T to create a new cell tower for serving the Cerrillos valley. The proposal was for a 100’ monopole to be located just off of the State Hwy Dept. site. The proposed facility would only service the Cerrillos valley and not help with the local cell service within San Marcos. Public reaction to the proposal was uniformly negative in the Cerrillos community. This will probably move forward with hearings before the County Land Use commission. Jarrett and Steve reported on a concept for the San Marcos Association to undertake; a San Marcos Fair or Day of Celebration. The goal of this event would be two fold: to bring our community together for a fun event and also to publicize the San Marcos Association. All agreed that this would be a challenge. It was moved and passed that we move forward to explore the possibility of sponsoring such event. We discussed publishing a new newsletter. An initial format for the letter was presented. Suggestions were made to improve the format including: stronger introduction into just who the San Marcos Association is, how we can encourage membership and contribution, and including a better map. A revised draft of the letter will be presented at the next meeting. Although it was not on the agenda, the group discussed the status of the land next to the San Marcos Feed store that is accumulating a lot of junk and becoming an eyesore. No action was proposed.
The meeting was called for adjournment at 8:30.
The next meeting will be May 16 that a location to be announced.