MARCH 19, 2020

DIRECTORS/OFFICERS PRESENT: Dennis Kurtz, President; Janet McVickar, Vice President; Gail Buono, Treasurer; Karen Keeney, Secretary; Jill Cliburn; Laird Graeser; Elizabeth West
ALSO PRESENT: Courtney Price

1-2: Following introductions and announcements, President Dennis Kurtz led a review of teleconference etiquette and procedure. The organization will need to meet and conduct other business remotely for an undetermined period of time due to the coronavirus pandemic.

  1. It was moved by Elizabeth West, seconded by Jill Cliburn, and passed unanimously that the Agenda be approved as amended to add as 7.d. a discussion of the Turquoise Trail Volunteer Fire Department (TTVFD) spring flea market.
    4.a. It was moved by Elizabeth West, seconded by Laird Graeser, and passed – with abstentions by Jill Cliburn and Laird Graeser – that the January 23, 2020, Meeting Notes be accepted with the following corrections: PO Box expenses were $56; the annual grant is received from South Santa Fe Coop Association.
    4.b. It was moved by Laird Graeser, seconded by Gail Buono, and passed – with abstention by Elizabeth West – that the February 20, 2020, Annual Meeting Minutes be accepted as submitted.
    5.a. Treasurer Gail Buono gave the Treasurer’s Report:
    Income: $20.00 donation from the Graebs (members)
    Expenses: $5.00 to TTVFD for meeting rent for February 20 annual meeting
    Current cash bank balance: $7,410.42
    5.b. It was moved by Elizabeth West, seconded by Janet McVickar, and passed unanimously to allocate $50.00 annually to TTVFD as rent expenses for use of their meeting space as needed. (The Treasurer will make this payment when she orders and receives a new supply of checks for the SMA bank account.)
  2. Dennis Kurtz presented a Report regarding the pending conditional use permit being sought by NM Gas Co. for a pipeline through Santa Fe County (see attached Report). No action by SMA was recommended at this time.
    7.a. Members discussed how the conference call format was working so far and possible other options for remote meetings. The format was essentially functional with a few glitches noted. No decisions were made.
    7.b. It was moved by Dennis Kurtz, seconded by Laird Graeser, and passed unanimously that SMA allocate a maximum of $500.00 for the expense of rebuilding the SMA website.
    Summary of discussion: Per Courtney Price, SMA member and professional web site designer, the current website is very outdated, is owned by an individual (Les Hancock) rather than by the organization, is not acceptably accessible to the organization, and has numerous other issues. She recommends starting over and creating a site owned by SMA that is modern and accessible from the standpoint of both visitors to the site and management of the site.
    Courtney has already put in a lot of work on this project. She offered to design the new site in exchange for inclusion of credit to her and a link to her design site on the SMA website. The Board enthusiastically accepted her generous offer, and thanked her for her commitment of her valuable time and expertise.
    Courtney suggested forming a subcommittee to shepherd this process. At present, Dennis Kurtz and Gail Buono agreed to be part of this effort. Karen Keeney also offered to provide some help if that will be useful (she is not able to manage the mailing list, etc.). Needs for volunteers to manage the mailing list, do data entry, etc. will be discussed at a later time.
    7.c. There was discussion of the status of the SMA email list which has 20 or fewer people now. Courtney Price recommended starting over with something like MailChimp. She and Jill Cliburn will connect regarding options.
    Jill Cliburn also offered to create an email for distribution to the community by SMA, including available resources and other useful information, especially relating to the coronavirus pandemic. Dennis Kurtz will email the Board as that project progresses.
    7.d. Laird Graeser led a discussion of the possibility that TTVFD might hold a flea market later in the year. This has been a good fund raiser for SMA in the past, primarily due to the efforts of Walter Wait. If it happens, SMA will consider co-sponsoring or otherwise supporting the event with publicity, donations of items, attendance, etc. The Board will defer action on this matter until circumstances become clearer and we know whether it will actually happen. It will be added to the Agenda for the April Board meeting for further consideration.
    7.e. There was discussion of the status of two other possible members who might have a year left on their terms as SMA Board members. Janet McVickar said that Susan MacDonnell told Janet that Susan is still a Board member. Dennis Kurtz has tried to contact Jarrett West, but has received no reply from him. Courtney Price offered to connect with him regarding his status and interest in still being a Board member.
    [Note that the SMA Bylaws Article V., Section 7 states that: “A member of the Board of Directors who fails to attend three (3) consecutive regular meetings of the Board shall be deemed to have resigned.”]
  3. Next Public Board Meeting:
    Thursday, April 16, 2020; approximately 6:00 pm
    Tentative location: Remote meeting via teleconference or online platform

Respectfully submitted:
Karen Keeney, Secretary