APRIL 16, 2020
DIRECTORS/OFFICERS PRESENT: Dennis Kurtz, President; Janet McVickar, Vice President; Gail Buono, Treasurer; Karen Keeney, Secretary; Jill Cliburn; Laird Graeser; Gail Karr; Elizabeth West.
ALSO PRESENT: Courtney Price
1-2: Following introductions, announcements and review of teleconference etiquette, it was noted that despite several attempts to reach them, no one has yet reached Jarrett West or heard from Susan MacDonnell about their possible status as Board members. Efforts will continue for some time period.
- It was moved by Janet McVickar, seconded by Elizabeth West and passed unanimously that the Agenda be approved as amended to include two new business items as 7.a and 7.b: Informational discussions of a proposed aquaponics project near Haozous Road, and a proposed cell phone tower near Cerrillos.
- It was moved by Elizabeth West, seconded by Jill Cliburn and passed unanimously that the Minutes of the March 19, 2020, Board meeting be approved as submitted.
5.a. Treasurer Gail Buono gave the Treasurer’s Report:
Current cash bank balance: Remains $7,410.42
Pending expenses: $47.40 to Dream House for hosting the new website. Will be paid when the new supply of checks is received from the bank.
5.b. It was moved by Elizabeth West, seconded by Gail Buono and passed unanimously to adopt the Corporate Resolution of The San Marcos Association: Bank Resolution Regarding Authority to Transact Business (copy attached), authorizing Gail Buono, Dennis D. Kurtz and Janet McVickar to transact business with the Association’s current bank, First National 1870, a division of Sunflower Bank, N.A., including being signatories to the Association bank account there.
There was further discussion of possibly changing to another bank in the future, but that issue was deferred to a later date given the challenges of changing banks in the middle of the current pandemic.
6.a.i. Courtney Price gave a report on the progress of website development. She presented drafts of a proposed Homepage, and noted that the priority now is to get something current and useable up quickly, with a focus on function and speed. Phase 2 will be developed later. She has created a live staging site and will email a link to that for Board members to review. She requests that members send her their feedback on the spread sheet she will provide, which will be visible to the entire Board for ongoing communication.
Volunteers for a Webpage Development Subcommittee were: Dennis Kurtz, Courtney Price, Laird Graeser (photo editing, copy writing and review), Janet McVickar, and Jill Cliburn (as needed). Skills needed: time, energy, internet connection, ability to attend weekly meetings. We also need to recruit volunteer(s) for data entry, mailing list management at some point. Courtney will schedule the subcommittee meetings.
There was also discussion of an SMA logo. Courtney has created a place holder for now. Gail Karr and Jarrett West worked on one last summer; Jarrett took their ideas and Gail has not seen him since. Gail will talk with Courtney about what that project produced. There was strong opinion that any logo NOT include any images of the San Marcos Pueblo to protect its private nature. The logo issue will be placed on a future Agenda so that discussion does not bog down the process.
6.a.ii. The SMA Facebook page has been lying fallow and a volunteer is needed to replace Les Hancock as host of the page. Required for the job: Time and energy to monitor content, moderate comments (they can be turned off if desired), willingness to put your name on the page as host (it can be multiple people). No one immediately volunteered for this job. Let Dennis Kurtz know if you are willing to be a host. Meanwhile, Courtney will step in if needed.
6.b. Many thanks to Jill Cliburn for producing SMA’s first Dispatch regarding the coronavirus. It provided valuable information and good visibility for SMA. No negative comments have been received about it, and 14 people have requested that they be added to our email list.
Dennis Kurtz asked that Board members send him their comments asap on the draft he sent recently of the second Dispatch containing information from Laird Graeser on emergency responders’ new protocols relating to the coronavirus. Dennis noted that he will not send anything out in SMA’s name until at least a quorum of the Board reviews and approves it, so prompt responses are appreciated.
There was discussion of whose names to include on SMA communications: Just the officers, the entire active board, the main author(s) of the item, or some other option. Members voiced competing concerns about privacy, transparency and inclusion. No vote was taken. There was a sense of wanting to include a thank you to the person(s) who did the majority of work on the particular piece.
6.c. The TTVFD rummage sale will almost certainly be cancelled for this June.
7.a. Jill Cliburn presented information regarding the large scale aquaponics project being proposed by Andrew Neighbor in the residential Haozous Road neighborhood. No official SMA position is requested at this time. There will be a public hearing scheduled. Jill will send information about the hearing when it is received from Santa Fe County.
7.b. Janet McVickar presented brief information about a new monopole cell tower being proposed in Cerrillos. It is currently in the State historic preservation review stage, and the location is being challenged. Janet will email more details to the Board soon to determine whether SMA should take a position on this project. - Next Public Board Meeting:
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Tentative location: Remote meeting via teleconference
Respectfully submitted: Karen Keeney, Secretary