San Marcos Association Community Dispatch • May 1, 2020

The San Marcos Association (SMA) ( is a Registered Organization with Santa Fe County, a non-profit community service organization established in the 1980s to protect the rural, residential character of our community, and to follow relevant County policies and plans. We advocate for property owners and residents of the area in matters of public service, utilities and the general welfare of people.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic developed in New Mexico, our monthly in-person meetings have been temporarily suspended. At this time, the SMA encourages neighbor-to-neighbor outreach, to help everyone in the San Marcos community to weather this crisis. While we continue to plan a new SMA website and collaborations in “real time,” we offer this Community Dispatch. We welcome you to:

  • Forward this dispatch to your friends and neighbors;
  • Reply to if you would like to be included on our mailing list.

SMA is non-profit, non-partisan and will NOT share its mailing list without your permission. The SMA is looking for a volunteer to manage the mailing list and assist with communications. We also welcome liaisons who can bring us in touch with County agencies, small businesses, and other community resources.

“TTVFD Stands Ready to Serve You”

Compiled by Laird Graeser

As of April 30, 100 cases of novel coronavirus/COVID-19 have been recorded in Santa Fe County, but no fatalities, with, most likely fewer than 6 in the Turquoise Trail Volunteer Fire District (TTVFD).

On April 20, the Santa Fe County Fire District published COVID-19 Operations Guidelines. These guidelines include the promise that all of the 14 separate fire districts in Santa Fe County stand ready to continue to serve the public. TTVFD has been serving the community since its founding in 1969.

Specifically, if you have been tested positive for COVID-19 and are developing symptoms that your doctor has advised you may need to be treated, Call 911, just as you have been accustomed for any fire, rescue or medical emergency. New for COVID-19 calls, however, the dispatcher will work through a checklist as follows, before dispatching an emergency medical response team.

  • Do you (or the person you are calling on behalf of) have a fever?
  • Has this person been tested for COVID-19 and tested positive?
  • Has this person been in contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19?
  • Has this person recently traveled out of the country or out of the state?

If there is a positive response to any of the four questions above, the dispatcher will dispatch the appropriate medical team using a special code that indicates: “Respiratory Precautions Advised.” Dispatch will also advise the caller to meet the medical team outside the residence or other location to further minimize risk to the medical team.

Once the team arrives at the scene, a single member of the medical team wearing full personal protective equipment (PPE), will meet the patient. Patient will probably be admitted to the ambulance for determination of vital signs. After assessing vital signs, the EMT/paramedic will then make a determination whether to transport the patient to a hospital or advise the person to stay at home. The following exclusion criteria for transport will apply:

  • Does the patient have difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, increased work of breathing or otherwise look ill? YES / NO
  • Is the patient <18 or >60 years old? YES / NO
  • Does patient medical history include: Diabetes, Cancer, Hypertension, Heart or Lung problems, Immunosuppression or Pregnancy? YES / NO
  • Does patient have one or more abnormal vital signs?
    Respiratory rate <8 or >24
    O2 saturation <90%
    Heart rate > 110 bpm
    Systolic blood pressure (higher number) <100 mm
  • Glasgow Coma Score <15, indicating a less than fully responsive individual YES / NO
  • If any of the answers are “YES,” then the patient will be transported to the appropriate hospital (either Christus St. Vincent or Presbyterian). If all answers are “NO,” then the patient will be advised to stay at home until any of the criteria might be achieved.

If you are told that transport is advised, the medical team will still accept the patient’s right to refuse transport. If you feel that transport is advised despite all “NO” answers to the exclusion criteria, then the medical team will contact the county medical coordinator who will make a determination whether to transport or not.

There may also be some special procedures once the patient has been transported to the appropriate medical facility.

In any event, post the following corona virus DOH hotline number in a conspicuous place in your home:  855 600-3453

For COVID-19 questions that are not health related, call 833 551-0518.

What you can do to protect yourself and others? Wash your hands thoroughly and regularly, if not frequently; cough or sneeze into your sleeve or a tissue; and avoid contact with people who are coughing or sneezing. Practice social distancing at all times. Wear a mask in public. Stay home from work, school or shopping when you are sick – whether you have a temperature or not.

If you found this newsletter helpful, please let us know. There is NO COST to join the SMA mailing list. We are happy to keep you informed and we welcome additional volunteers.