The San Marcos Association Annual Meeting

February 16th 2023 via ZOOM


Responsibilities of an SMA Board Director
  • SMA Board Directors are governed by the SMA Bylaws
  • Shall reside or own property in the SMA area of advocacy
  • Elected for two-year terms at the Annual Organizational Meeting
  • Expected to attend ten SMA Board meetings per year
  • Expected to participate in email discussions of issues in between Board meetings
  • Can vote or discuss any Agenda item at Board meetings, or ‘offline’ via email as issues arise
  • Only Directors can serve as an SMA Officer
  • Can suggest Agenda items for any SMA Board meeting
  • With one other Director, can call for a Special Meeting of the Board
  • Can identify themselves at any public meeting as an SMA Board Director
  • Cannot speak for the Board as a whole, but may express opinions as individual community members on any issue
  • Assumed to have resigned if they have not attended three consecutive Board meetings without having been excused
  • Can be removed from office by a 2/3 vote of a quorum of remaining Directors

Here is a recording of our Annual Meeting: