Tentative Agenda – Board Meeting

March 18, 2021

(6:00 – 7:30 PM)

ZOOM Videoconference of Board Members – OPEN to the PUBLIC

1.     Welcome

2.     Approval of Agenda (Discussion/action)

3.     Acceptance of Minutes (Discussion/action)

         a.     Meeting Minutes – February 18, 2021

4.     Treasurer’s Report – REPORT

         a.     Current Balance – $$$

5.     Old Business:

        a.       Cerrillos Cell Tower – REPORT and/or Discussion/action

        b.      Mt. Chalchihuitl – REPORT and/or Discussion/action

        c.       Communication – Website development – REPORT and/or Discussion/action

       d.      SMA Archival Materials and Equipment from Walter Wait (Placeholder; Possible Discussion/action)

       e.       Change of Banking Institutions (Placeholder; Possible Discussion)

6.     New Business

       a.       Congress of Community Organizations (COCO) – (Dennis) – Possible Discussion

       b.      E waste recycle or drop off day (Gail Karr) – Possible Discussion

       c.       Shred paper day (Gail Karr) – Possible Discussion

       d.      Fire Safe Neighborhood – (Laird)

7.     Upcoming 2021 (Public) Board Meetings (Information)

   a.       Meeting – Thursday, April 15, 2021

   b.       Meeting – Thursday, May 20, 2021

   c.        Meeting – Thursday, June 17, 2021

   d.       Meeting – Thursday, July 15, 2021

   e.        AUGUST – No Meeting

   f.        Meeting – Thursday, September 16, 2021

   g.        Meeting – Thursday, October 21, 2021

   h.       Meeting – Thursday, November 18, 2021

   i.         DECEMBER – No Meeting


8.     Adjournment