NOVEMBER 19, 2020
DIRECTORS/OFFICERS PRESENT: Dennis Kurtz, President; Janet McVickar, Vice President; Karen Keeney, Secretary; Gail Buono, Treasurer; Jill Cliburn; Laird Graeser; Gail Karr; Elizabeth West.
ALSO PRESENT: Courtney Price
1-2: The meeting began with introductions, announcements and a review of teleconference etiquette.
- It was moved by Janet McVickar, seconded by Elizabeth West, and passed unanimously that the Agenda be approved as presented
4.a. It was moved by Elizabeth West, seconded by Gail Buono, and passed unanimously that the Minutes of the October 15, 2020, Board meeting be approved as submitted with the correction in item 3. of the spelling of Allegre to Alegre.
5.a. Treasurer Gail Buono submitted a Treasurer’s Report:
Opening Balance on 10/17/20 $6,155.88
Closing Balance on 11/19/20 $6,155.88
There was no financial activity for this month.
6.a. Dennis Kurtz presented a detailed report on the proposed Cerrillos cell tower and the applicable regulatory framework, including several supporting documents. He met with Todd Brown, President of Las Candelas de Cerrillos, who said they are preparing to hire an attorney soon to oppose the proposed cell tower. Dennis also met with Lynn McClane of Turquoise Trail Assn. That group opposes anything like this along the Turquoise Trail.
TriLeaf requested computer files of nearby locations from which to provide simulated views of the proposed tower. Dennis sent them KMG files of about two dozen sites from SMA, Las Candelas and Cerrillos Hills Park Assn. These files, dated October 19, 2020, are available on the SMA website along with other cell tower information.
We also discussed the various possible steps in the tower review process. It is currently in the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) review process where Andy Wakefield is the contact person. Janet McVickar reported he told her there is no meeting scheduled yet. We discussed other County, State and Federal processes (see documents provided by Dennis Kurtz), including Federal FCC section 106 regulations (Janet McVickar is very familiar with this as she worked with section 106 for decades). Janet stated that companies will try to avoid “inconvenient” regulations, and we need to watch them carefully. We also discussed ways to ensure we receive adequate notice of all further proceedings, and have proper opportunities to provide input when appropriate.
Dennis Kurtz will continue to keep in touch with the other community groups, monitor the situation, and keep the Board posted.
6.b. Jill Cliburn reported on the successful voting drive. Courtney Price said we received about 30 new sign ups for the mailing list, though she was not sure whether they came from the voter flyer or cell tower information pieces. The group discussed future marketing options and outreach to other community groups. Printing costs were $.19 per flyer which Laird Graeser believes is high. Other printing options were discussed such as bulk printers, which require three or four weeks lead time, and using Laird’s new Epson printer with volunteer help. Laird discovered that we would need actual PO Box numbers for the Cerrillos PO boxes since that Post Office is not an actual postal route. Karen Keeney learned from the Cerrillos postal clerk that there are about 400 active boxes there now.
6.c. No action was taken regarding the Mt. Chalchihuitl project.
6.d. Courtney Price reported that she has made good progress including information about the cell tower on the website. Mail Chimp is working well; there are about 72 people on the mailing list now. Please review the updated site and send Courtney any comments/suggestions.
6.e. Laird Graeser reported that the Silver Hills Homeowners’ Assn. is adamantly opposed to the land owner’s proposals relating to potential trail closures on the 50 acres he owns, and the Assn. is considering hiring a mediator. The process is moving slowly. No involvement by SMA is needed at this time. Laird will keep the Board informed.
6.f. Dennis Kurtz reported that the SMA archival materials and old equipment will remain at his home through the winter.
6.g. No action was taken.
7.a. In planning for the 2021 Annual Meeting, Jill Cliburn offered the use of her Zoom account. The Board will hold a special board meeting on December 17, 2020, at 6:00 pm dedicated to further planning for the Annual Meeting and to practice using Zoom for this group. We will also hold the January 21, 2021, Board meeting on Zoom. We also discussed possible program options, and marketing plans to promote the Annual Meeting to encourage a good community turn out. Dennis Kurtz noted that SMA is a member of the Turquoise Trail Regional Alliance.
7.b. Regarding SMA and a possible GRT exemption, Laird Graeser reported that SMA is a 501( c)4 so income is not subject to GRT if the activity is within our official mission. Gail Buono commented again that SMA does not do enough business to make going through the process of obtaining a GRT exemption worthwhile, and recommends that this topic be removed from our Agenda going forward.
7.c. & d. The topics of an E waste recycle or drop off day and a shred paper day were deferred to a later date. These are long term concepts to be revisited after the pandemic subsides. Gail Karr offered to investigate these when appropriate.
- Next Public Board Meeting:
Thursday, January 21, 2021.
There will be a Special Board meeting on December 17, 2020, dedicated to Annual Meeting planning.
Tentative location: Zoom, as facilitated by Jill Cliburn.
Respectfully submitted: Karen Keeney, Secretary